Potential Options:
- NDEF string describing location of impacts as text data received by device.
- Reading URL
o Issues with this: NFC chip can store only a static URL to a webpage. This webpage can potentially be programmed to retrieve data from a database but the impact data must somehow be sent to that database through other means.
- Creating an NFC Compatible Web Page:
o This is an experimental technology that works in the following manner. A webpage is implemented using NDEF reading events to be able to read NDEF messages from an NFC chip and integrate the information to the existing application on the web page.
o Roadblocks to this idea:
§ No DevTools support to emulate NFC so actual NFC tags are needed for testing.
§ Only applicable for Android devices that can enable NFC
§ Currently the only browser that supports WEB NFC is Chrome v86+
§ “Experimental Web Platform Features” flag must be enabled:

o Thorough Guide to Web NFC:
§ Specifications: https://w3c.github.io/web-nfc/
o Example Project: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/web-nfc-demo?path=script.js%3A1%3A0
o Additional Resources: https://dev.to/maudnals/getting-started-with-web-nfc-tips-and- gotchas-3a6
o Live Web NFC Sample: https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/web-nfc/
o For this method, the first aid responders will have to be given instruction to arrive at the webpage and then use the NFC chip to gain impact information.
- With URL based solutions, there exists an issue with a lack of network connections.