Collecting and managing the data acquired from the testing accelerometer is needed to test the concept of collecting impact data. In this process, the MPU9250 IMU is positioned within a test helmet with an Arduino Nano in order obtain preliminary data.
The Arduino code used to log impact data can be found in the text file attached to this post. The code was designed to provide the X,Y and Z G - Force values obtained through the IMU. Each time a the helmet experiences a force beyond the limit specified in the code, a marker is returned to indicate that an impact has occurred.
Using PuTTY to monitor and store the serial output provided a messy output of data as shown below for example.

In order to clean up the data and present it in a more readable manner, a python script is used to scrape the relevant data from the text file and organize it into a csv file as shown below.

This csv table can now be easily used to determine when an impact has occurred and how serious it was. This information will then be communicated through satellite to alert emergency services. This information will also be available through NFC for quick access.
Next steps involve refining the algorithm to take into account the user's position and speed to better determine when an impact has occurred.